MY BROKEN PEN is my latest poem and the 300th piece in 8yrs of writing poems. Share if you like.

What did happen?
The pen is broken
I had it sharpened
For last night's drawing,
That broke my pen
My broken pen
Can no~longer draw
It's weak
It's frail
It's broken
Its fragility proved
By the drawing so couth
Weakened, in last night's drawing
Last night
I put my pen to work
It was full of spark
It drew every detail
Shaded with pace
All~over the place
Making contrasting shades
That will never fade
Thou' bonded with fate
But without any hate
To give the blonde a shape
So coveted by m'apes
Last night's drawing was big
Made my pen have a jig
Shading the candy ring
Around the natural wig
The drawing broke my pen
I am bloke to buy a pen
I will slaughter my hen
To sharpen my pen
The soup from the hen
Will sharpen the pen
Only then can I draw again
On my own canvas tonight
For the big drawing that broke my pen
Was on a stolen canvas
That ruptured my pen
With unconcealed zeal.
Poet & Blogger
This is an unpublished, original works and the auther holds all the copyright.